Blastocyst culture and transfer in Mumbai is a highly critical stage in the entire IVF process. After the fertilization stage of 5 to 6 days, the embryo created during the IVF process is referred to as a blastocyst. They can also be termed as highly developed embryos that have a higher possibility of implantation in the early stages. However, to make these embryos enter into this stage, they are given all of the necessary assistance while being formed and fertilized without interruption for a period of 5 days, before eventually turning into a blastocyst.

Embryos implanted during the blastocyst stage have been shown to increase conception chances without increasing the risk of multiple births. Numerous couples throughout the world have benefited from the blastocyst culture procedure while undergoing IVF treatment over the past few years.

How Blastocyst Culture and transfer in Mumbai is an important part of the IVF process?

One of the most important characteristics of a blastocyst is its ability to reach a stage where the genetic formation of the future child is stimulated and takes over the rest of the fertilization process. Because genes are the chemical formations that make us distinct persons, genomic activation can be viewed as the right factor that helps a gene turn into a unique persona straight from the initial stages of the pregnancy process.

Blastocyst Culture and Transfer in Mumbai

Advantages of Blastocyst Transfer in Mumbai

Blastocyst culture and transfer in Mumbai can enhance the chances for women to get pregnant during IVF treatment in Mumbai, however, an embryo may not be able to accomplish the same result. Unlike normal embryos, which are implanted on the third day after fertilization, blastocysts are carefully cultured until the fifth or sixth day of the same process. Well, this is where it becomes really important for all couples who are undergoing IVF therapy and want to achieve the finest possible results.

Blastocyst culture in IVF increases implantation success by selecting healthier embryos and improving pregnancy chances. It also helps to reduce the likelihood of multiple births, which is an additional benefit of bringing them to use during IVF.

How this entire procedure works?

Step 1. Detailed medical screening

As part of the pre-conception checkup, both spouses would go through a thorough medical screening and diagnostic. In the same way, they will interact with our embryologist during the initial appointment. The male partner’s sperm would next be examined and monitored for numerous factors such as quality, quantity, and motility.

Step 2. Follicles are being monitored.

As this phase kick starts, the physician will advise the female patient to take particular fertility medicines, and he or she will then use ultrasound to administer the development of the follicles within her ovaries. The female partner would next be administered with the HCG injection for ovulation based on the growth of the follicles.

Step 3. Sperm Retrieval

The sperm sample retrieval process gets initiated on the same day when the artificial implantation is about to happen.

Step 4. Artificial Insemination

Before being put into a woman’s uterus, the same sperm is now cleaned and concentrated. In the end, this will reduce the overall voyage of the sperm in the entire procedure, increasing their chances of conceiving.

Step 5. Fertility expert prescribes the required medications

Certain medications would subsequently be administered to the female partner in order to increase her conception chances.

How we can help?

At IVF clinics Mumbai, we are a team of skilled medical professionals that have gained all the big expertise and experience to carry out the Blastocyst culture process in the most efficient manner possible.

To ensure you get the best service at an affordable price, we also give you transparent information regarding the blastocyst culture cost. We are the pioneers in IVF consultation, having assisted hundreds of couples in realizing their parental goals over the last few years.

We’ve worked with some of the other agencies and entities around the world to bring the best treatment facilities to our valued clients. During your affiliation with the best in the business, you can rest confident in receiving the best guidance and support.